Happy New Year to anyone who finds this site and this article. I sincerely wish you and your loved ones a wonderful 2025.

For more than three years, this blog has been in a state of ambiguity. Is this a gaming news and reviews site? A place for a retrospective covering old games? A collection of thoughts on geeky interests in general? Disjointed travel blog?
This may also raise some questions for some people thinking about my identity. “Who is this Strat Packer guy?†you might ask. At some point, you’d be forgiven for categorizing me as an aspiring video game journalist, an indie game geek, a pseudo-intellectual babbling about social science, a semi-serious runner, or some kind of rich globetrotter.
It probably doesn’t help that I’m drifting between each of those identities myself (except maybe rich world traveler – I can only hope). Depending on my personal interests at any given time, the content and style of this blog varies greatly. There is very little consistency.
This blog has attracted a lot of readers – I had about 40,000 visitors last year. But this is largely due to a few articles performing consistently well in search engine results, rather than any community of readers who specifically like my writing, engage with me, and come back regularly. That “stickiness,” as it is called, is something that has so far eluded me.
As 2025 approaches, I’m thinking about this. Do I want to narrow the scope and produce more regular gaming articles, even when I don’t feel like it, in the vague hope that someday the traffic will be big enough to sell advertising? No – commercialization was never the goal of this blog, and I don’t need any other work than the one I currently spend 40 or more hours on each week.
But if not gaming, then what? The other things I write are too different to hold the attention of anyone searching on this site EA FC tip. But writing is an important creative outlet for me, and I don’t want to pack it all in.
After some reflection, I realized: This is a blog for people like me. No need to attract everyone. No need to copy the style of a professional website. And there’s no need to strictly limit the subject matter, because if you’re curious about the same things I am, chances are you’ll want to read about both. Dark Knight and locus of control.
Therefore, I will stop imitating the format of news and journalism sites and make this site more of a personal blog. I’ll write articles from a more personal perspective, and share updates from my life as well as my thoughts on games, books, movies, and so on. I’m just one of many tech-savvy city dwellers trying to navigate and balance professional, intellectual, spiritual, and family life simultaneously. I’m hoping that by refocusing, I’ll find someone else to connect with.
So, expect some changes in the coming months. I look forward to sharing more about my personal life with you, both in terms of events and my internal thoughts. And my inbox is always open if you want to share yours.
– Strategy Packer
Gaming online
A gaming hub can refer to a central platform or space dedicated to gaming, where players can access games, interact with other gamers, and enjoy related content.
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